After weeks of morning fog and clouds in the sky, yesterday we had our first rain of the season. It started raining Wednesday evening and continued through most of yesterday. Suddenly, in the afternoon, the sky cleared and I headed out on a walk. The freshly rained smell was heavenly — not as special to me as the smell of rain in the desert, but lovely nonetheless. Already, green grass is popping up all around, leaves are changing colors, and fall is on its way.
We’ve also recovered from our first head-colds of the season. I plan to stock up on zinc lozenges and throat tea for the coming months. This weekend we plan to hit REI during their fall sale — gotta buy David a rain coat and get me some warmer running clothes. It’s rather nippy in the mornings!
In response to the change in the weather, I’ve revisited my morning cup of tea ritual. I love savoring something warm first thing in the morning. I am hoping to break myself of my English breakfast tea addiction soon and branch out in a more herbal infusion direction. Any recommendations? What are your favorite types of tea?