In celebration beautiful 80-degree days in late October (I love living in California!), David and I took a trip to the beach. We basked in the sun while lying on our beach blanket, each reading twodifferent
Robert Jordan books. Pelicans flew overhead, kids and dogs were swimming, and we felt lulled into relaxation with the sound of the surf.
Today I have my last sock knitting class. While I am not sure that I will be able to fully knit socks on my own (without our fabulous instructor holding my hand!), I have mastered several essential skills in the past two weeks: 1) how to knit on double-pointed needles in the round (my goal for the class!), 2) how to read knitting patterns on my own, and 3) how to do a double cast on. Hopefully I will make enormous progress tonight on my sock. Regardless, I am having such a great time and am really enjoying meeting some new people and learning new things!
Hey Carrie! Hope you enjoyed your sock knitting class! I’ve yet to attempt socks…the idea of dpns and all that turning has me a bit petrified. LMAO