I love fall and the days leading up to Halloween. I love watching the trees change color and the crisp fall days. Here in California the transformation to autumn seems to be taking weeks and I am just soaking it in. I’ve made lots of hearty soups and corn dishes; we’ve been eating lots of apples, persimmons, and roasted squash (locally grown, of course); and have started pulling long-sleeved shirts and sweaters out of boxes. I have been in a knitting frenzy, trying to finish gifts as well as warm socks and scarves for us. We’ve been watching a
and celebrating the season with friends. I still enjoy my early morning tea ritual and go for my daily runs in the early afternoons. It is so nice having the time to enjoy the every day things. Truly, I have never been so entirely content in my life. We both feel so relaxed and happy. Life is good.