Overheard in Whole Foods

“Honey, I don’t think they sell Trader Joe’s brand beans here.” Really, you think?! They were a darling older couple and it just cracked me up.

By the way, I have been much more aware of price differences lately between stores here. Organic items such as sprouted bread, cheese, cereal, cottage cheese, rice pasta, and jam are MUCH cheaper at Trader Joe’s. Things like nuts, dried fruit, and omega-3 fortified eggs are cheaper at Whole Foods. For our veggies and fruits, we pretty much stick to the Farmer’s Market, which is now in full swing (thank goodness!). We’ve been eating a total of about 10 pounds of peaches, plums, and nectarines weekly. We just can’t resist prices less than two dollars a pound for pesticide-free fruit (versus over four dollars a pound at Whole Paycheck). It’s Spritzer Leyba heaven!