6 thoughts on “Month Eight Poll”

  1. I bet there’s a 50% chance you’ll have a boy— or was that a girl?!

    We have girls in our family (Jay and Michael & Bobby and Kenny were the only ones — the rest were all girls!)

    But David has mostly boys in his family (poor Rachel!)….

    So we’ll just have to see, won’t we?!


  2. I’m going with boy… it seems EVERYONE I know has boys. For a while, Lavinia was the only girl both in her Gymboree class and in her playgroup! Then another girl joined each… so now in Gymboree it’s 2 girls and about 4 or 5 boys, and in playgroup it’s 2 girls and 7 boys. Yikes!

  3. Hi Carrie and David,

    it _MUST_ be a boy — how else should it use the baseball bat we’re sending out right now?

    * Just kidding * — We wish you all the best for 2008 and the exciting time coming up right now.

    Thorsten and Vera (who thinks that you’ll be having a girl *g*)

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