Pseudonym Suggestions (Month Nine Poll)

Following the lead of the ever awesome Stefania and Brenda who refer to their daughters online as “Bunny,” “Wallie,” and “Baby Bug,” we thought we’d come up with a pseudonym for our baby to be used online. We feel this is important to protect the privacy and safety of our child.

So, while we have planned to call the wee one “Baby Spritzer Leyba,” we thought maybe you could come up with something more creative and interesting. What sorts of fun, silly, or outrageous name suggestions can you come up with?

For our final month’s poll — What do you think we should call our baby online?

17 thoughts on “Pseudonym Suggestions (Month Nine Poll)”

  1. Li’l sprout? Munchkin? Spud?

    When I have kids they’ll be referred to either as minions (like our cats), henchmen or as Protoform One, Protoform Two, etc. But then I’m a giant nerd. :)

  2. Hey Christina! Isn’t it “mon petit chou”? [my little cabbage!]

    Interesting how so many of these endearing terms refer to vegetables!! Of nature…born of the earth….


  3. Awesome suggestions, guys! Please keep them coming!

    We’re also thinking about using Fern (if we have a girl) or Scout (think Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird)… David keeps coming up with these darling geeky ones… but I just can’t see calling my child Proton when they are 8 years old… or Baby Dragon. (“Hey, it’s not that geeky!” Yeah, right, darling.)

  4. how about leyspritzah? sounds like a fancy bubbly drink…:-p…. hmmm… lol

    maybe the baby will tell you when s/he arrives if you ask :)

  5. I like Scout for a baby girl! Maybe Sprout for a boy? You could technically use these for either gender. I assume when the little one is old enough he/ she can always change their pseudonym if they don’t like it :)

  6. I’ve always liked Lentil.
    ….and delivery on January 30th
    (Keep your knees crossed)
    Lotsa Love,
    Phreezing in Philly

  7. Congratulations and best wishes–you’re darling daughter is so beautiful!! All the best…Is voting still open? I’m leaning toward her Dad’s choice or maybe Posy Tron?
    (Grandmother Jackie’s friend)

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