The new fetal position

Sleeping on Dad

Another shot for our reading together series.

She LOVES sleeping in the above position and frequently wiggles her way down until she’s lying this way! She also likes sleeping on her side with her head way back behind her (I’ll have to try to get a picture of that) and in the classic propped up on both hands position:

Sleeping on Mama

While she certainly is awake more now than when she first arrived, she still sleeps a good chunk of the day (and night). When she’s awake and over tired, she makes this little, quiet, high pitched sigh signaling “I’m just so tired, but I can’t fall asleep.” It’s so darling and cute that my heart melts every time I hear it. When she makes that sound I know that a couple of minutes walking around the room or suckling at my breast will put her fast asleep.

(Note that I’ve also started adding a few photos here and there to our flickr page.)

4 thoughts on “The new fetal position”

  1. Wow…you have one flexible, bend-y baby girl there! How does she get into that position…my neck hurts just watching her! As long as she is happy and comfortable though! Love the photos…she looks so happy sleeping and hanging out with her mommy and daddy!

  2. I think she’s imitating the position she was in utero (probably since late November when her head “moved into position”). It totally cracks us up!

    I know — she’s so flexible! David’s been doing baby yoga with her too and she seems to really like it. I see her doing some of the poses (mostly stretches) on her every now and then too. Super cute.

  3. She is one healthy, athletic little girl to be able to do that and be comfy! That really is impressive. =) Go Miss Leyba!

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