She may become blond and brainy

Hair at two weeks
Miss Leyba’s baby hair when she was two weeks old (five weeks ago — she’s seven weeks old today!)

While my daughter’s acne is going away (those baby white heads on her nose and cheeks were actually quite adorable), mine is coming back. One of the great perks of pregnancy: having flawless skin and thick, shiny hair. And though Miss Leyba does enjoy pulling out my hair (she was holding a handful… er, several hairs… this morning when we woke up), it appears we’re both losing our hairs together. There are long, brownish-red hairs and short, dark brown hairs all over the house.

Only one of us, however, is growing in blond hairs to replace the lost ones and it’s not me. Wouldn’t that have been a nice treat?! Ah, to give birth and then become a blond. Could have been fun.

(Of course, there has been some debate in our house if the hairs growing in are actually blond. Are they more strawberry blond or platinum blond or maybe light brown? They are so short right now, it’s hard to tell. We do know that the new hairs completely disappear when they are wet, like Uncle Lee’s cellophane hair when he was a baby… Ah, genetics!)

One thought on “She may become blond and brainy”

  1. I love that soft baby hair…I am suffering from serious baby envy right now.

    But perhaps I want to get pregnant again simply for the clear skin and luscious hair that comes along with it for me!

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