Hanging with Miss Leyba

Taking a walk around our neighborhood with our Moby Wrap.

We’re really digging the babywearing thing. It’s so nice having our hands free while we cruise around. And while we love our Moby Wrap, we’ve added the ERGObaby Carrier (and infant insert) to our gift wishlist we’re ordering an organic Mei Tai; it would be nice to have a carrier that is quick, quick, quick to put on.

This weekend we are resolved to finally take a walk in the park…

4 thoughts on “Hanging with Miss Leyba”

  1. Melt my heart! Carrie you look so placid and beautiful, and [Miss Leyba] looks so grown up with her jaunty cap and cute sweater – safe and warm with Mommy! What a lovely shot – gotta see if I can print it out to post on the fridge…

    (The exhausting ‘holding my head up’ photos with David made me laugh with their sweetness. Whew!)


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