Miss Leyba and I attended two mama and baby yoga classes last week. I am so enjoying rediscovering my practice and completely adore the social aspect. I’ve already met and renewed friendships with a number of awesome moms with babies Miss Leyba’s age (some of whom I attended prenatal yoga classes with).
Miss Leyba adores seeing (and smiling at) other babies and I think watching the bigger babies crawl reinvigorated her interest in trying herself (a nearly nonstop activity all week; the other day she even tried to crawl in her sleep and woke herself up!).
Look, Miss Leyba is going to be a natural yogi:
The girl loves playing with her feet! Happy baby pose (one of my favorites) is EASY for this little one. And, yes, her foot is resting ON HER SHOULDER! I wish I had that kind of flexibility.
i was just doing yoga last night and lamenting the fact that i can’t bend AT ALL, in ANY DIRECTION. i wonder if miss leyba will lend me some of her bendy tendons :-)
Wow. Miss Leyba, that is one fantastic yoga move you’ve got going on there! I am also loving how deliciously chubby Miss Leyba is–she looks like such an active, healthy little girl and I just want to reach right through this screen and hug her! How could I possibly not zerbert a baby tummy like that??
Ok- how does she do that? Does she have any joints in her body at all??