Daily Activities: Color Grouping

Every day we go over colors. I like to make piles around the house with color-similar objects for Miss Leyba. I try to put different objects together each time to keep it interesting. Here are several groupings from yesterday morning:

Oh, the above photograph, how it makes me chuckle. I think she’s saying, “Mom, why do you have my carrot? Can I please play with it now?”

Finally Miss Leyba had enough:

“Who cares about colors?! Come on, Mom, let’s read!”

One thought on “Daily Activities: Color Grouping”

  1. You are such a fantastic teacher, Carrie! I absolutely love this idea of grouping color objects together. Miss Leyba is so wonderfully lucky to have parents who are so dedicated to her. She also just gets cuter and cuter. It’s amazing. Every time I think, “THAT is the cutest picture of her ever,” you post another one that wins out!!

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