Let’s all clap for Miss Leyba!

Reason #1:
She now has four teeth!

All four teeth cut in the span of three weeks.

Poor parents.

I mean, poor baby! Ouch!

For the most part, she’s been a real trouper, though we are so relieved she’s back to sleeping through the night.

And by sleeping through the night, I mean latching herself on to eat every two or so hours without ever opening her eyes or making a peep (and often not waking me up). As long as I don’t need to stay awake while she eats, I am not complaining. She can eat and comfort suckle as long as she needs to.

And reason #2:
She’s walking!

Yes, you heard that right.


More on that (and a video) soon…

Our lives are about to change forever.

One thought on “Let’s all clap for Miss Leyba!”

  1. Dear Miss Leyba: I’m applauding for you from New Jersey! Congratulations on your teeth and on your new walking skill–I can’t wait to see a video! (Dear Carrie and David: Cheers on surviving having your little darling cut a whole bunch of teeth in a REALLY short amount of time–oy. Glad to hear Miss Leyba is more comfortable now!)

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