Counting down…

to her birthday! (one week and a day to go!)

If she’s not talking about opening presents or telling me how she’s turning 2, then she’s singing the “Happy Birthday to you!” song!

Here’s a video of her singing:

Movie: Happy Birthday To You! from Carrie on Vimeo.

Now you know why we haven’t posted any movies lately. Every one we take ends up being about Miss Leyba begging, “I want to take the picture!”

9 thoughts on “Counting down…”

  1. oh soo cute…i especially liked the desperation at the end of it..she really wanted to hold that camera! And she is talking so well now!!

  2. She is so her own person with her own desires. Love it!

    (Maybe if you used a tripod, and then YOU got in the film with her…? Well it might be good for one try anyway.)

    I love hearing her talk. Surprisingly clear! I hope you get some film of her talking with her Grandma and Poppop this week!

  3. She speaks so beautifully! That’s adorable–“I take the picture?” I think you have a future junior photo-blogger on your hands!

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