Garden Tour

It may be the end of September, but the weather has finally gotten HOT and our garden is responding! Flowers blooming, vegetables growing and ripening, weeds taking over the place…

First some pictures of the flowers and then a quick video tour of our itty bitty yard bursting with plants.

Before I give you a tour of our garden this year, let me remind you of what our yard looked like last year when we moved in (more info here):

Here it is now, a year and half later:

Movie: Garden Tour from Carrie on Vimeo.

(Sorry if I sound a bit breathless. I had a cold while filming, which we’ll now remember forever. Sigh.)

4 thoughts on “Garden Tour”

  1. so gorgeous! it’s funny to see so much sun: it’s FINALLY cooling down here – for good, i hope – and we’re getting about a week straight of rain. it feels pretty great, very much like fall!

  2. Thanks for the tour! Garden looks great!! What an improvement! You have a green thumb – funny expression but true!!! [We forgot to sit in the chairs!]

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