Buddha Boards Paint With Water Fun

Buddha Boards make for an easy, kid-friendly painting activity.

Simply paint on the surface with water. Then the water evaporates leaving you with a clean slate, so you can do it all over again! No messy clean up and endless art opportunities!

We’ve been leaving our Buddha Board (with a jar of water) out in the living room so our daughter can easily paint any time she wants without any assistance from mom. How empowering! She LOVES it!

Thanks to Patty and Ron for the super fun gift!

One thought on “Buddha Boards Paint With Water Fun”

  1. We got D a similar thing called Aquadoodle (we got the travel version); you fill the pen with water so you don’t need to dip – fantastic for the car/airplane! I’m a big fan of these color-with-water things; the buddha board may be in our future (or to give as a gift!).

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