Looking back on 2011

2011 had it’s ups and downs, though perhaps not in ways that one might expect.

Reflecting on 2011

In all honesty, spraining my ankle and not having been able to run for the past six months has been much more devastating to me than my inability to stay pregnant.

Open field at sunset

Those daily runs have been my solace over the past few years. A moment of quiet time to focus my mind and have time to myself. In the meantime I’ve tried to make do with frequent walks listening to books on tape, but it’s not the same. I miss those runs.

Morning yoga practice

David too has been plagued with injuries this year. His back sprain over the past few months have kept him from progressing in his yoga practice as he tries to strengthen and heal his back. (That being said, his yoga practice is phenomenal and he was recently called “a pillar of the [local ashtanga yoga] community.”)

Reflecting on 2011

Our health issues aside, I do believe that 2011 has been one of my very favorite years ever. We have a wonderful group of friends here and truly love where we live. After toying with the idea of pursuing a life elseware, both David and I arrived at the same conclusion: We’re not going anywhere. Sonoma County is home and neither of us can imagine living anywhere else.


While every year with David has truly been wonderful, this year I feel like we’ve really hit our stride. We’ve watched our respect and love for each other continue to grow, and after nine years together I awed by our love for each other. I could never have imagined loving anyone so fully. I feel very, very blessed.

Toddler enjoying her chocolate ice cream and making a gigantic mess

Our daughter is such a joy. The craziness of three and a half definitely threw us for a loop (I could pull my hair out just thinking about it!), but we’ve hit our stride and love every day together. She forces us to grow on a seemingly daily basis and for that I am truly grateful.

Dancing around the Christmas tree in her new pajamas

David and I both thrive in this ever changing, constantly challenging yet incredibly rewarding environment. Thankfully life is never boring around here.

Reflecting on 2011

People ask what we’re busy doing and I always have to pause before I explain: life! Between the cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, lessons and playdates, we don’t have a free moment. My to-do list is pages long. The sink is full of dishes. Laundry is overflowing everywhere. Our life is full. A beautiful, crazy mess, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


May 2012 be as wonderful.

2 thoughts on “Looking back on 2011”

  1. Love you guys!! So glad you are so happy ~ what a wonderful family life you have!! Thanks for sharing it all with us ~ and looking forward to more in 2012! xo

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