Make Your Own All-Natural Essential Oil Air Freshener

We make a simple, non-toxic, inexpensive essential oil spray for our bathrooms as an alternative to chemical-laced air freshener.

Make your own essential oil spray

First gather a 4 oz spray bottle (we reuse an empty deodorant spray bottle!) and the essential oil of your choice. We purchase a locally-made, organic product from the Simplers Botanical Company, but any essential oil should suffice. I particularly like the lavender oil in an air spray, but I imagine that rose or jasmine would be rather lovely as well.

Make your own essential oil spray

Place 10-30 drops into your spray bottle, then fill the bottle with water.

Make your own essential oil spray

Do a test spray or two to see if you need to add more essential oil.

Make your own essential oil spray

Voila! Spray to your hearts content. (Oh, our daughter particularly loves “the spray!”)