What’s Really Going On

You may be wondering the REAL reason I’ve been blogging lightly over the past three months. Well, our daughter has some news to share with you:

Instead of blogging, I’ve been napping.

Yes, we’re having a baby!

After such a long journey, we’ve finally made it to the second trimester. The baby’s heartbeat is strong. I’ve been feeling him or her move around for several weeks now, having one big dance party after another.

Let’s all take a big sigh of relief.

We expect the latest Spritzer Leyba to arrive this February.

I’m hoping to head back to our regular blogging schedule just as soon as the second trimester burst of energy kicks in. I’ve got so much to share with you! Stay tuned…

28 thoughts on “What’s Really Going On”

  1. HUGE congratulations to all of you! The pictures speak for themselves – so happy to share the enormous joy with you :-)

  2. i may totally have dreamed that you were expecting! (and i dreamed it’s a boy. we’ll see if that holds up.)

    so much love. <3


    Congratulations my darling, I love you so so so so much! Sending good ju ju your way always. <3

  4. Carrie, Dave and I are so thrilled and excited for you, David and Miss Leyba! Such wonderful news! I am virtually sending you the biggest and happiest hug ever! Yay!!!

  5. That’s fantastic news! Congratulations!! I’ve been following your blog for a while so I know how you’ve struggled. Love reading your blog and gets a lot of inspiration, both creative and how to live your life. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Yippeeeee! I can’t wait for February and I’m so excited to be a part of this journey with you as your friend. Love to alllllll of you!

  7. Warmest, happiest, most joyful congratulations to you, David, and Miss Leyba! This is WONDERFUL news and all of you look delightful in the photos. Love from both of us here on the other coast!

  8. Hooray! So excited. It is clear how much you have wanted this. Eating meat for it!! But I just have to say, that I had a feeling!

  9. I don’t think I’ve commented here before, but just had to let you know how excited I am for you! Missed the announcement initially, but I’m going for better late than never and offer BIG congratulations!!

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