So damn cute, you’ll wanna hurl

Since we both hate the idea of Valentine’s Day, we don’t celebrate it. Single people feel bad, couples feel pressured to celebrate with cards and sugar-loaded treats and expensive flowers. Oh, the commercialism! And how ridiculous that couples celebrate their relationship just once a year. I mean, come on! As far as we are concerned we celebrate Valentine’s Day pretty much every damn day… and we certainly never waste money on cards or blood diamonds.

So, that was my little Valentine’s Day rant. Now comes the part that is so cute, you’ll want to hurl. Yes, this is one of those “we’re so fucking happy” entries. Feel free to stop reading now and save yourself. Trust us; we know that Valentine’s Day sucks.

And now brace yourself for sugar and spice. A few random things about our relationship.

1. We really only shout when one of us is in the shower and needs more soap. Or if we are on opposite sides of the house then “I love you” phrases are thrown back and forth.

2. Every night, all night, we sleep holding each other. Occasionally David sleeps on his back, in which case I sort of sprawl across him.

3. We hate getting out of bed in the morning. (Lots of snooze-button hitting and “I’m so cozy! I don’t want to get out of bed!”) This has gotten much worse since my grandmother bought us a primaloft comforter.

And now let’s move the focus away from us, shall we. Enjoy these beautiful, love-inspired photos: heart kite at sunset, mirror view, stone heart, dancing, and sisters.