Recently (frequently?!) heard around here…
“Just one!” Note the important finger placement:

Big announcements: “Daddy, you have brown eyes! Mommy has green eyes! I have blue eyes!”
She’s constantly singing: the alphabet song, “Puff the Magic Dragon,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Twinkle Twinkle,” and songs from Music Together (especially “She Sells Seashells”). This week she has been OBSESSED with “Honey, Honey” from “Mamma Mia.” (I’m thrilled that she inadvertently changes the words from “honey, honey, how I want you” to “honey, honey, how I wonder!”)

In the car, she likes informing me when the traffic light has changed (“Green light, Mom!”).
She also pipes up from the back seat, after a sharp turn, “Mom, you okay?”
She’s very encouraging with her friends and parents: “Come on, Dad!” “Try again.” “Good job.”
Occasionally she makes cute mistakes. I asked her to point her toes and instead she pointed at her toes:

And she’s all about the “I loves.”
“I love to read.”
“I love this shirt.”
“I love these pants.”
“I love this book.”
“I love to draw.”
“I love my friends.”

And, of course, our favorite:
“I love you.”
The other day she even turned to David and said, “Don’t worry, Daddy, I love you.”
Man, are we crazy about this little girl. She is so much fun.