Miss Leyba is fascinated with the concept of babies, pregnant women, and big sisters. At our Mama Baby Yoga Class we encounter all of the above and Miss Leyba loves it. She talks about babies nursing, babies sleeping, babies needing their diapers changed. And, above all, how her dear friend Maitri is going to be a big sister (which I think she calls baby sister more often than not). We’ve been following along with this particular pregnancy for months and talking about it frequently. “Maitri big sister! Laura grow baby!” Miss Leyba informs me at least once a day.
We’ve been waiting.

Laura at 40 weeks with our girls — doesn’t she look fantastic?!
And Friday afternoon the big day finally arrived. We learned that Laura gave birth to a healthy baby girl and I immediately headed into the kitchen to bake and cook for them. As luck would have it, we were signed up to bring them dinner on Saturday! We would get to meet the new baby! SWOON!
I envisioned a leisurely activity of Miss Leyba and I baking together in the kitchen. Miss Leyba frequently helps me cook dinner, so I thought she’d be equally interesting in helping me measure ingredients, pour them in, and stir the bowl.
Miss Leyba and I gathered the ingredients for coconut macaroons. We laid them out on the counter. She kept me company as I started to break and separate the eggs; together we counted each one.
Then I loaded them into the stand mixer and warned her that it might be a little bit noisy.
I turned it on.
She ran screaming from the room.
And should wouldn’t venture into the kitchen again, even after I was done with the mixer and showed her that I unplugged it and promised that we wouldn’t use it again.
I was finally able to coax her into the far end of the room, where she insisted we do the rest of the baking as far from the counter (and that darn mixer) as possible, at the kitchen table instead.
And that worked out too.
First, a fear of the vacuum (evidently quite terrifying), the electric drill, and now this.
(When will this stage pass??)
But I digress.
We we talking about big sisters. And for those of you who made it to the end of my story, here’s a picture of Miss Leyba’s dear friend and BIG SISTER holding the newest addition to the Gilbert clan.

Welcome, sweet baby girl! We think you’re the bees knees and are so looking forward to getting to know you. xoxo