David and I are thrilled that Miss Leyba loves the outdoors as much as we do. She so enjoys going for walks, picking flowers, playing with her ball in the yard, visiting each of the neighbors (and their cats and dogs too, of course!), and helping us garden!
She moves dirt from one pot to another (and back again). She puts stones and little plants and flowers in her pots too. She dumps the pots out on the ground, the porch, and in her lap. Occasionally she gets super excited and throws a handful of soil on her hair. As you can imagine, bath times have become much more frequent at our house. (Every day it’s the same routine: out of the garden and into the tub!)

Not only is playing in the dirt fun, but evidently it is very tasty too:

Here she is telling Daddy all about it.

Yesterday the three of us set up our vegetable garden in the bed that David constructed for me out of scrap lumber. We’ve planted three types of tomatoes, a sweet yellow bell pepper, spinach, lettuce, vidalia onions, cucumbers and beans. All organic goodies that we typically spend a bundle on all summer long.

Since we have limited space, we’re trying the square foot gardening approach for the first time. I am a little skeptical that everything is going to fit, so I’ll let you know how it works out.
Right now I am more concerned about Miss Leyba embarking on an archaeological dig in the veggie bed before the seeds sprout and the plants become established. I have big plans for a nearby sandbox filled with buried treasure in an attempt to divert her attention away from our veggie beds (for now!).

As you can see, our Mother’s Day was productive and fun! In fact the whole weekend was fantastic – for all three of us! We’re looking forward to many more garden adventures all summer long.