We keep finding three’s all over our house.
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In the bathroom:
We knew it was only a mater of time.

We now have three toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet!
All made from recycled yogurt containers.

Miss Leyba’s even helps protect wildlife too (she has the PINK St. Lucia Parrot style). After keeping us company while we brush our teeth for the past few months, she was initially confused but ultimately excited to have her own tooth brush.
She’s very into brushing her teeth, although she prefers to help us brush our teeth with her toothbrush.
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By the front door:

Gosh, her little shoes are so darling.
The only reason the shoe rack is so empty is because Miss Leyba LOVES to unload it and then carry our shoes off around the room. And she’ll try to taste them all too if I fail to intervene. Mamas can be so mean. They just don’t understand how tasty shoes can be or appreciate how good leather feels on teething gums.
– – – – –
For the time being, three’s are all around.
Here’s an excerpt from a great children’s song about three’s:
Three is a magic number.
Yes it is, it’s a magic number.
It takes three legs to make a tri-pod or to make a table stand.
It takes three wheels to make a vehicle called a tricycle.
Every triangle has three corners,
Every triangle has three sides,
No more, no less.
You don’t have to guess.
When it’s three you can see it’s a magic number.
A man and a woman had a little baby.
Yes, they did.
They had three in the family.
That’s a magic number.
– Lyrics by Robert Dorough.
We like the Elizabeth Mitchell version of this song from her album, You Are My Sunshine
. This CD, which we take out of the library pretty regularly, gets lots of airtime in our house.