Suddenly Miss Leyba cannot get enough of watching, grasping for, talking to, and batting at her toys! Hallelujah, I am off duty! She can play by herself!
While she is occupied for upwards of twenty minutes focusing on the same red toy (and continually moving — that white blur is her socks), I get to do things like unload the dishwasher! Cook lunch! Go pee! Run a load of laundry! Drink a glass of water! It’s thrilling over here. Ordinary things like housework suddenly become a treat. You should see how excited I get when David holds her so I can shower.
It’s when she’s sleeping that I really get down time and I usually spend that time reading/relaxing! Or ordering Miss Leyba more clothes and updating her gift wish list because she is in the process of outgrowing yet another size… It’s no wonder that I am so behind in email correspondence, writing thank you notes, returning phone calls and just about every thing else.
Yep, she’s still in the clingy, don’t ever put me down even when I’m sleeping (unless you show me toys that are more fun than you) stage! Thankfully I think it’s just darling that she’s so attached. I love you too, sweetie. I wouldn’t want to sleep without you next to me either.