Baby bits

So, see how David is holding our little one in a football hold in the previous post? Yeah, well, I can’t do that. She’s too long for my arm. And as she’s only going to get bigger I guess I won’t be able to carry her that way. Oh well, it seems only fair: David gets to football hold her and I get to breastfeed. Suck it!

Speaking of which, she LOVES to breastfeed. Milk, nipples, breasts, oh my! She’s totally into it. And keeps trying to latch onto David. Wrong parent, sweetie! The dairy factory is over here.

She thinks life is one big dance party and loves to move not only when she’s awake (reach those arms above your head!), but also in her sleep. Her movements totally match those I felt while she was still in my womb. No wonder it felt like she was up all the time!

We can totally tell exactly how she was lying in utero based on how she likes to position herself now: one hand bent up towards her face (totally felt the arm between her shoulder and the right side of my pelvis — she was even born with it in that position!), legs bowed out (can totally picture those knees pointing up and moving around on my left hand side), and her pressing out moves are oh-so familiar. I love it.

She’s a really noisy sleeper. She jumps around and waves her hands and feet. She coos, gurgles, grunts, and blows raspberries. She makes funny faces — everything from smiles to full-on grimaces. She somehow always manages to free her hands from her swaddling and put them in her mouth. Oh those fingers, they just taste so good!

Her hiccups are enormous. Just like they were in utero.

Written Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super cute

Father daughter time

Thank you to our wonderful friends and family for the awesome messages of love and support! We have so enjoyed hearing from you! I plan to print out every message and save them for posterity. What a tremendous support network we have. Thank you!

We are doing so great. Our little darling entered the world like super woman, with her arm up! Since then she appears to approach everything with equal gusto — especially in the breastfeeding department.

Our 9lb 5oz “Strawberry” (trying this pseudonym on for size) is super cute and so chunky, with lots of fat rolls. She loves to sleep and mainly just wakes up to tell us she’s hungry (she’s pretty good at telling us she’s hungry when she’s asleep too!). She hardly ever cries — usually just during the second half of the diaper change for about 30 seconds (must be getting cold! or has simply had enough, Daddy!) before she’s been swaddled. She’s super strong, can lift her head, and likes to roll from her back to her side and occasionally over on to her tummy all by herself. She makes the cutest sounds (especially when she is sleeping) and smells so delicious. David and I spend hours just staring at her and feeling awestruck that we created this amazing little person. We can’t wait to watch her grow up and see her come into her own. She already has quite the personality and we are just thrilled.

Our home birth experience was awesome! Our midwives were fantastic, David was so incredibly supportive and the absolute perfect, loving, and attentive birth partner. Being at home was a dream. I couldn’t have asked for a more positive birth experience. We feel so blessed.

Reminder — join in our Virtual Baby Shower

Guess the baby!Final Reminder!

If you want to submit photos to our Photo Matching Game, please email in a photo of yourself when you were a baby and a photo of you taken recently.

Then we will all get to guess which baby photo belongs to whom.

I hope you will join us! The more the merrier!

Photos are due by December 21st.
Thanks for participating!