A Taste of the Energy to Come

I keep waiting for that gigantic burst of energy that’s supposed to arrive in this second trimester. Hello, energy?! Where are you?!

I really shouldn’t complain. Instead of trying to direct all clean-up activities from the couch (as I tried and failed at all summer), I now have the energy to tackle some of the giant piles of kid stuff that sprang up while I was in the first trimester:

First trimester clutter

Check out the second trimester organization:

Second trimester organization
Second trimester organization

Ah, that’s so much better.

Affordable Art Prints

The wall above our bed is completely blank.

Bare wall in the bedroom

I know, it looks TERRIBLE!

I’ve been trying to decide what type of art we would like to hang there. Here are some possibilities from Etsy:

Featured above:
1. Slow breathing by Samantha Finch
2. 2012 Mountain Calendar by Pam Lostracco
3. Leap 33 by Roz Young
4. Glamorous Women in Greys, Golds and Reds by Kristina Laurendi Havens
5. Lake Waters by Samantha Finch

I’m leaning towards prints 4 and 5. Color wise I think they’d go nicely with the paintings on the wall at the foot of our bed (clearly, those two paintings both need to be rehung):

Art in the bedroom
(above, the left painting is a portrait of my grandfather, the right was painted by our friend Sandy Urban)

Which affordable art prints would you go for?

New Living Room Configuration and Wall Art

Here’s a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while now. Earlier in the summer we rearranged the furniture in our living room.

This is what it looked like previously (it’s actually decorated for our daughter’s third birthday party last January):

Here’s an alternative, more messy realistic view:

And, no, it doesn’t always look like this.

Nevertheless, the wide open space in front of the couch frequently became a bottomless pit of toys, hard to keep tidy and forever a place of stubbed toes.

We decided to move the couch from resting against the wall to bisect the room and take advantage of the phenomenal view from our front window!

Living room configuration and new artwork
Living room configuration and new artwork

This weekend we finally hung artwork on the wall and the room feels more cohesive:

Living room configuration and new artwork
Living room configuration and new artwork

The upper right and center pieces are prints of paper-cuts by artist and author Nikki McClure, with a photo taken by me in the lower right of our daughter at the Cornerstone art installations in Sonoma, and an Art Doll Print called The Wind’s Bride by artist and doll maker Christine Alvarado.

Living room configuration and new artwork

The room is starting to feel more cozy and, well, us.

Living room configuration and new artwork

That being said, I have plans. Stay tuned!

Simple Bedding Transformation

Our adventure began innocently enough, “Mama, I want pink sheets.” That sounds easy, right?!

Simple Bedding Transformation with Pink Fabric Dye

Evidently not so much. We found finding affordable, plain pink, organic sheets to be a challenge. So we reused some older white organic sheets that we already owned, and threw them in the washing machine with pink fabric dye and a cup of salt, and ta-da!

Simple Bedding Transformation with Pink Fabric Dye

We have beautiful, bright pink sheets, perfect for a three-year old.

Simple Bedding Transformation with Pink Fabric Dye

An easy, quick project with satisfying results.

And now I keep thinking, what else can we dye?!

Simple Bedding Transformation with Pink Fabric Dye
Simple Bedding Transformation with Pink Fabric Dye

There’s nothing like making a simple request come true to illicit an “I love my room!” romp-around. Sweet, sweet girl.

Hey, her room’s coming together!