David rarely wants “normal” presents like books or electronic gagets or new ties. He has to go for exotic, fascinating, and, well, frankly expensive presents like… a 3D printer.
In this case, it’s the parts to build one that he’s hoping for, cause he’s handy like that.

Remember when they built this computer together two years ago?
I admit I wasn’t on board with this idea initially. Just WHY do we need a 3D printer?! And just HOW MUCH will building one cost?!
Yes, it’s a cool homeschooling activity with our daughter, but she’s five. She might not even remember building it. It’s not like it can make us art supplies or toys for the kids… or can it?!
When I learned that one of the materials you can print with is biodegradable corn-based PLA, I eventually warmed to the idea.
After all, we need to keep challenged around here and each of us has our hobbies. I can appreciate that.
I’m the one who wants to buy a tabletop loom for Christmas. (WHAAAT?!) Now that present is totally necessary and practical.