His First Birthday

Happy birthday to our sweet, happy boy!

Happy first birthday to our boy

This past year flew by so fast.

Newborn baby's first weeks at home

Wasn’t he just born?

Happy first birthday to our boy

At one year old he’s an adventurous climber and explorer, yet coordinated and steady on his feet…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Loves music and dancing…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Crazy about carrying, dropping, and throwing (!!!) balls…

Happy first birthday to our boy

He loves playing outside and exploring the natural world (i.e. picking up rocks, trying to eat acorns, and carrying around little sticks or leaves)…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Curious about food preparation and cooking, which means he’s always near our side (and wanting us to hold him) when we’re working in the kitchen…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Loves to eat everything, although he’s particularly partial to braised meats, fresh fruits, and greens sautéed with garlic…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Skilled at drinking from a straw and enjoys blowing bubbles in between sips…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Chats all day long (no surprise there!), though we’re just starting to understand snippets of what he’s saying. He now clearly enunciates the words mom-mom, dad, big sister’s name, up, ba (for, you guessed it, ball), more, and done…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Loving and cuddly, he adores running towards us with his arms outstretched, ready to give us hugs. (He also gets terribly affronted if Daddy doesn’t pick him up the moment he walks in the door after work. How dare Daddy try to put down his bag first!)

Happy first birthday to our boy

His world revolves around observing and playing with big sister, and he wants to do everything she finds interesting…

Happy first birthday to our boy

Happy birthday, sweet boy! We so love you.


Three Months Old

Our little guy is three months old! (I can hardly believe it.) He’s incredibly chill, hardly ever cries (as long as this breastfeeding mama stays away from dairy!), and feels content to watch and absorb the world around him.

Brother and sister cuddles

He’s an earnest talker, putting on a very serious expression as he soliloquies.

He’s so physical: standing with assistance, rolling from his back to his tummy at every opportunity, even getting close to sitting on his own. He holds his head up at every opportunity, only placing it down reluctantly if he needs to sleep.

Brother and sister cuddles

When he smiles his face transforms. The much-sought-after belly laugh brings us such joy. Today he laughed at his sister for the first time. Up until now he’s been so focused and serious watching her. (What will tomorrow bring?!)

His hands (or thumb!) are always in his mouth and drool is ever present.

Brother and sister cuddles

Our boy prefers to sleep on us (daddy or I) during the day, usually in this baby carrier. At night he sleeps for long stretches (cuddling next to mama), only feeding every 4-7 hours (usually at my insistence). He doesn’t bother to open his eyes and always goes right back to sleep as soon as he latches on. We thank you for this, sweet one.

He adores his big sister, who may love him to death right back. She loves talking, reading, singing, dancing, being fun and crazy (think exuberant!) for him. Giving him loving attention is her forte and I feel thankful for that on a daily basis. Her help has been invaluable (especially when I need to put up another load of laundry, make lunch, take a shower or go to the bathroom). Our daughter is such a kind helper. I don’t know how I’d get through the day without her.

Brother and sister cuddles

Our life feels so rich and full. David and I go to bed early (if the kids will let us!) and exhausted each night, with smiles on our faces, loving these children and this life of ours.