A happy baby

I finally cut out all butter and eggs (already stopped eating all other “fuss-culprits” — dairy, nuts, gluten, soy, onions, garlic, tomatoes, corn, etc.) and suddenly our little girl is back to her smiley self. No more crying sessions, no more spit up, no more tummy troubles. We are all feeling so much better. Now we just need to catch up on our sleep (ha!). Slowly we will reintroduce foods into my diet and we’ll see what she tolerates. Luckily, most babies have similar reactions to these foods, so she may tolerate some or all of them in the future. (knock on wood)

Here is our sweetie pie yesterday, well-rested, fed, and full of smiles:

Smiles from Carrie on Vimeo.

New activities

She’s currently very into:

+ Chewing on her fist and

+ Rolling from her back to her side (left side only so far both sides evidently; someone wasn’t paying proper attention!):

Hanging out

+ Pulling up her shirt:

Pulling up her shirt

+ Smiling and splashing in the bath (and startling herself in the process)

+ Reading (i.e. vocalizing) along with me during story time:


You’re so fun to hang out with. I love you, sweetie pie!