When I first heard about Pinterest, a virtual display space that lets you organize and share images, I thought, “Just what I need: another site to check; another internet addiction.”
I’ve had a Pinterest account for less than a week yet I’m already hooked and can’t imagine my life without this nifty organizational tool.

I use Pinterest to save my favorite posts, inspirational photos, new recipes and projects to try. When I find a project or post that I love, I “pin” my favorite photo from the post, write a brief description and file it away into one of several themed boards that I’ve created. Later I can go to that particular board and see all of the posts I’ve linked to.

I’ve created pin boards for photos of future house inspiration, projects to try, organization love, everyday learning, garden inspiration, recipes to cook, special occasion party fun, and winter, spring, summer and fall holiday inspiration.

In the past when I found pictures I liked or projects to try, I shared them via my Google Feed Reader, where they’d then be lost amongst the thousands of other posts I had already shared. I could slowly go through post by post to see what I had marked (or do a search), but it was time consuming and not the best way to look for a quick craft project or a recipe for tonight’s dinner.

Pinterest has made my life so much easier.

Slowly I am going through several years and thousands of saved posts in my Google Feed Reader and pinning to the best articles that I shared previously. So, please follow my boards on Pinterest to see my favorite posts.

If you’d like an invitation to Pinterest, please shoot me an email with PINTEREST in the subject line and I’ll send you an invitation!

StillĀ confusedĀ about how Pinterest works or want to learn more? Read this fantastic primer on Pinterest from Callaloo Soup. Francine clearly explains how to set up and use Pinterest, outlining several methods for pinning content to Pinterest.

After you set up a Pinterest account, be sure to click back here and then follow me on Pinterest! See you over there!