Daily snippets

Could yesterday’s prenatal appointment be my last?! Probably just wishful thinking on our part… My body really is ready to go into labor. Of course, I could tell you all the details, but then I would be walking the fine line of TMI (“too much information”). Let’s just say, it’s time.

In the meantime, I am digging:

+ Chocolate protein shakes (I know, I’m consuming sugar… but also getting 18g of protein!)

+ Fresh air! Moving around! Being off bedrest!

+ Our gorgeous new camera. We both are so into taking photos and movies with it.

+ Picnics in bed while watching season 2 of Heroes on our laptop. As with most television shows, I have issues with dialog and plot points, and just wish I could rewrite a few of the episodes, but overall we loved the second season and are now even more pumped for season 3.

+ A carload of baby clothing and gear from our friend Jenn! All lovingly worn and super cute, with some darling organic outfits thrown in. Completely lovely and such a huge relief! It feels so good to no longer be freaked out about how much clothing we were going to have to buy over the next year. Thank you, Jenn and Brian!

+ Interacting with the baby: David talks to my belly, the baby moves just a little bit; David stops talking, the baby revs up into overdrive and moves nonstop, then pauses while we talk to him/her some more… *repeat* over and over again. I swear, it never gets old or ceases to amaze us.

Pseudonym Suggestions (Month Nine Poll)

Following the lead of the ever awesome Stefania and Brenda who refer to their daughters online as “Bunny,” “Wallie,” and “Baby Bug,” we thought we’d come up with a pseudonym for our baby to be used online. We feel this is important to protect the privacy and safety of our child.

So, while we have planned to call the wee one “Baby Spritzer Leyba,” we thought maybe you could come up with something more creative and interesting. What sorts of fun, silly, or outrageous name suggestions can you come up with?

For our final month’s poll — What do you think we should call our baby online?

Home base

Here I am practicing squatting while on the computer (checking out Sarah‘s new flickr photos). This has become a big part of my daily routine. (Please pardon the mess… it’s “controlled chaos.” And thanks to David for snapping the photos.)

The nesting instincts are really kicking in around here. Laundry. Dishes. Organizing. Unpacking. Cleaning. Cooking. Rearranging. I’ve been busy! It’s rather terrifying actually… and to be perfectly truthful, I am not sure if the house is in better or worse shape. Lots of half-finished projects all around. Lots of organized piles. (The good news is that our taxes are almost done.)

This week I’ve started having a harder time moving around. The baby and I are both getting heavy: thankfully, I’m still well-within the “recommended” weight gain parameters and the baby appears to weigh a healthy amount — our midwife estimates that it may be 7 or 8 lbs already (Yikes!). We’ve started pushing those acupressure points in an attempt to get labor going. Go figure, after four weeks of being on the edge of giving birth, the baby has changed positions and it’s just not as interested in being born right now. C’mon, little one, we’re ready for you! Now.

Photos taken with a Canon PowerShot SD870IS

More goodies

This week I made my first excursion to Whole Foods in over a month. Never mind what for (fruit sweetened, locally made, gluten-free cookies), I splurged ($3.50) and bought the last issue of Blueprint magazine. I thought perhaps they would go out with a bang, but eh not so much. In fact, they don’t mention that it’s folding (or did I miss it?) and they still had those magazine subscription postcards: a great deal, $6 for a years worth of issues… Except that, well, there will never be another issue. (You’d think they would have at least pulled those cards!) Anyhow, I’ve found that even the best issue of Blueprint pales in comparison to Domino. So, good riddance. Goodbye, Blueprint!

During our prenatal appointment on Monday, our midwife casually mentioned again how big the baby is (“Feel those long legs!”) and went through a check-list of things we’ll need once the baby is here… just the essentials: diapers, outfits (no newborn sized clothes for our baby — definitely starting off in the 0-3 month size!), and baby socks. “The baby will need socks. To be cozy and comfy.” SOCKS?! We hadn’t bought any. Whoops! I quickly ordered some organic ones online. They were on sale. They arrived today. Now we’re really ready. Phew!

David and I received Border’s gift cards for Christmas and instead of buying books for the baby (so tempting!), we decided to treat ourselves one last time before the little one gets here. My gift: Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking by the ever awesome Heidi Swanson. I’ve written about how much I love Heidi before… I adore her photography, love her 101 Cookbooks site, was completely obsessed with her previous cookbook (even gave it as gifts to friends), and couldn’t wait for this new cookbook to come out. I waited to buy it so that I could get a signed copy on her book tour. That I was so excited for. That I emailed her about. That I then missed. (Still sad about it!) So, while this copy isn’t signed, it still feels like the ultimate gift, which I’ve waited over a year for. The pictures are gorgeous, it’s exactly our type of cooking, and I am pumped to get in the kitchen. Now, if I could only find the energy…

Photos taken with a Canon PowerShot SD870IS