28 (left) vs 36 weeks (right)
Let’s just say these past three weeks on bedrest have been interesting. I’ve gone through periods of extreme grouchiness and discomfort (being idle really doesn’t suit me), coupled with constant exhaustion; however, this weekend I am feeling better since we can now give birth safely at home.
Hooray! We’ve made it to 36 weeks and the baby is still cooking! And active! (Oh, the acid reflux!) And hiccuping! (Oh, the lack of sleep!) And constantly trying to bounce its head on mama’s cervix! (Very sensitive. Ouch!) Thank goodness for the most awesome prize ever waiting for me at the end of this pregnancy adventure. Despite my complaining about bedrest and the aches and pains of pregnancy, it’s all so worth it.
The freshly laundered pile of diapers, towels, wipes, clothes, blankets, and sheets to be put away.
David has been a complete saint and has taken awesome care of me. I’ve eaten better these last three weeks than over the course of the entire pregnancy. He’s done everything: the laundry, the dishes, the cleaning, the cooking. He’s gotten all the birth equipment and baby stuff washed and ready. He has even helped me in the shower! All this plus continuing to work full time. Luckily, he’s been telecommuting for three weeks, so he’s been home with me. Wow, we are lucky that David has such an awesome situation at work.
So, we’re now in the home stretch. It will be interesting to see exactly when I go into labor once I go off the herbs currently keeping me from going into labor. Could be a day, could be a month. It all depends on how quickly the herbs leave my system and the pace at which my body decides it’s time!
In the meantime, I’ve finally perfected my left-handed mouse action and am getting pretty good at typing with one hand while lying on my side, so I’m online a bit more now. We… (who am I kidding?!)… David has completed nearly everything on our pre-baby checklist, so I believe we’re as ready as we can be to welcome our little baby into the world!
Some recent flickr favorites
p.s. It’s such a relief having contractions and not flipping out!