Virtual Baby Shower – Photo Guessing Game

Guess the baby!Since I’m not having an actual baby shower, I thought it would be fun to have a virtual baby shower.

So, let’s play some baby shower games!

To join in, please email me a photo of yourself when you were a baby and a photo of you today. Then we will all get to guess which baby photo belongs to which friend!

Should be fun!

Please submit your photos by December 21st.
Thanks for participating!

{inspired by maggie}

Month Six Poll

Before we hit month seven of the pregnancy, I thought it would be fun to post monthly polls about the baby. Take your best guess!

Opinion Polls & Market Research

Updated: the biggest problem with this poll thing is that we don’t know who’s voting! So, please leave us a quick comment if you do vote. And NEXT TIME we are totally going to do this poll in the comments section and skip this whole fancy voting application thing! No more of this voting anonymity crap. Consider yourself warned.