Garden of the Gods Part 2

A trip down memory lane…

In our recap of our Colorado trip, we’re still at Garden of the Gods. (Day 2 of our trip!)

Two years ago, when she was nine months old, my daughter was not yet walking and she never once looked up to notice the giant rocks surrounding us:

Movie: Garden of the Gods #2 (Colorado Springs, Colorado) from Carrie on Vimeo.

This time she saw the park from a totally different perspective and loved the red rocks. Some things didn’t change though. Here is she enjoying the same spot, the exact same rock, in the park:

Movie: Garden of the Gods 2010 from Carrie on Vimeo.

A Breastfeeding Retrospective…

Because I’m just not able to let go as quickly as I’d like.

If you’re my sister or not into public breastfeeding, I know you’ll want to skip this post. Close your browser NOW.

Below I give you Miss Leyba breastfeeding through the years, also known as THE POST WHERE YOU SEE MY BOOBS A LOT.

Remember, we live in California and I’m legally allowed to breastfeed ANYWHERE in the state.

So suck it.

I’m just feeding my child.
Continue reading A Breastfeeding Retrospective…

30 Year Retrospective

This past week I turned 30 years old. Alas, it was not the fun times I had hoped for when I discovered I had a 102 degree fever the night before and I had to cancel all our plans. I spent my birthday (and several days subsequently) sick in bed, but my birthday itself ended beautifully — with a 4 star gourmet meal prepared by David, my daughter singing the most beautiful “Happy Birthday” song EVER, and so many lovely messages from family and friends! THANK YOU!

So, here is my 30 year retrospective. Not quite a photo for every year, but some fun ones nevertheless.

I am excited about turning thirty though I did not always feel so. For the past few years I felt a strong sense of dread as I concluded my twenties. Then I had a revelation. I realized that the majority of my close friends are already in their thirties and forties and, well, they are fabulous. What the hell was I freaking out about?!

So, now I feel good about joining the ranks of awesome women.

I am thirty. And this decade is going to be the best yet.

Even if it got off to a rocky start… :)