You may be wondering where all of our craft project posts have gone. Well, instead of our typical morning craft project (that we LOVE to share with you here on the blog!), we’ve been writing birthday thank you notes.
Many, many birthday thank you notes.
Our daughter surprised us by announcing that she was going to hand-write her thank you notes. She’s doing a beautiful job, but because she’s, well, four years old, it’s taking a rather long time. She can only write about one thank you note a day. Make that, one note every other day. I don’t want to rush her, but that means we haven’t been doing that much else in the sit-still-while-we-do-a-project department.
We have many more notes to write. (Thank you all for your generous presents!)
Aren’t her notes precious?!
See our budget-friendly watercolor postcards tutorial for instructions on how we made the cards.